
Well, I missed yesterday’s post for Nablopomo. Not because I forgot (okay, I forgot until 9pm), but because my blog was down. I couldn’t get it to load or even do anything at all. Apparently others could still read it, but they couldn’t post comments or anything. I will paste the blog post I wrote in Microsoft Word last night below. Sorry for the delay! Stay tuned for another post later tonight!

I am so jazzed about my upcoming Christmas vacation time. I’ve booked off December 23rd at 1pm until January 2nd! I can’t wait to have 9 whole days off in a row. I don’t think I’ve had this much time off since my wedding. I’m also looking into booking the entire day off on December 23rd, so I’d get 10 days! We’ll see what the next little bit brings!

Tyler has the same time off, so we’ll just be able to relax and spend some time with our family and just do whatever we want. We thought about going or something, but we’re still not sure. It’s hard to plan stuff that week because it’s Christmas and because you never can be sure what the weather will be like when it’s winter. I’d be okay with a green winter though. Just as long as there’s a little bit of snow on Christmas eve, Christmas, and Boxing Day, I would be perfectly fine with having no snow all winter long. I’m already tired of winter and it hasn’t even started yet!

Do you have time off around Christmas? Usually I would have to work every day but stat holidays, but this year is nice. 🙂

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