Christmas Photos

We recently had our first family photo session! We had a photographer come to our house and take some pictures of us in front of our Christmas tree! Olivia looked so adorable, but was so sleepy after only a few photos!

Changed into the snowflake outfit!

Changed into the snowflake outfit!

Mommy and her little sleepy bug!

Mommy and her little sleepy bug!

Our Little Family!

Our Little Family!

Our Little Family!

Our Little Family!

Photo Collage!

Photo Collage!

Christmas Stockings…

I made new stockings for Tyler and I this year! We found these kits in Michaels that came with all the pieces and then you have to sew them together and personalize them. They were really fun, but a lot of work! I think that I put in about 6-7 hours on each one, but they were worth it in the end. I also bought some ornaments to make, but I haven’t even started those yet (I should really get on that!).

Sewing on the names was the hardest part. It’s hard to stay on the same line and sewing on a curve is really tough! I learned a lot of new stitches though!

What do you think?

My Stocking

Tyler's stocking


Our Christmas Tree…

Tyler and I put up our Christmas tree today!! I know that he was exhausted after a hard day’s work, but he still help me put it up. We technically put the tree up yestersday, but we decorated it today. When we bought the tree two years ago, we bought lights and ornaments that were blue and silver so that everything would match. We also have silver garland and now we have some personalized ornaments too. Tyler and I both have lots of ornaments at our parents’ houses, but we’ve left them there to decorate our family trees since we go to both places on Christmas day anyways.

Here’s our tree: What do you think? I’ve only got about 15 presents under it right now, but I have A LOT of wrapping to do still! Do you  have your tree up yet?

Our Christmas Tree!

My Favourite Christmas Movie…

My favourite Christmas movie ever is ELF!

I watch it at least 25 times before Christmas and sometimes watch it even in the spring and summer because I love it so much. I also often quote the movie, especially to my husband because I make him watch it with me quite often. I think it’s Will Ferrell’s best movie and, even though I was skeptical at first given his comedy style, it’s nothing like his usual stuff. It’s geared towards kids and I love that. I often say “Son of a nutcracker” when I stub my toe and have referred to myself as a “cotton-headed ninny muggin” before too.

I love the other actors in it as well. Zooey Deschanel as Jovie was the perfect casting choice, as was James Caan as Walter. They played their roles perfectly and whoever wrote the script was a genius. The story is amazing and the costumes are hilarious!

The music is also excellent too. There’s lots of old style Christmas songs, but they’ve been lifted up a bit and have some new singers. They’re great!!

Have you seen Elf? What’s your favourite Christmas movie?


Well, I missed yesterday’s post for Nablopomo. Not because I forgot (okay, I forgot until 9pm), but because my blog was down. I couldn’t get it to load or even do anything at all. Apparently others could still read it, but they couldn’t post comments or anything. I will paste the blog post I wrote in Microsoft Word last night below. Sorry for the delay! Stay tuned for another post later tonight!

I am so jazzed about my upcoming Christmas vacation time. I’ve booked off December 23rd at 1pm until January 2nd! I can’t wait to have 9 whole days off in a row. I don’t think I’ve had this much time off since my wedding. I’m also looking into booking the entire day off on December 23rd, so I’d get 10 days! We’ll see what the next little bit brings!

Tyler has the same time off, so we’ll just be able to relax and spend some time with our family and just do whatever we want. We thought about going or something, but we’re still not sure. It’s hard to plan stuff that week because it’s Christmas and because you never can be sure what the weather will be like when it’s winter. I’d be okay with a green winter though. Just as long as there’s a little bit of snow on Christmas eve, Christmas, and Boxing Day, I would be perfectly fine with having no snow all winter long. I’m already tired of winter and it hasn’t even started yet!

Do you have time off around Christmas? Usually I would have to work every day but stat holidays, but this year is nice. 🙂

Christmas Shopping…

I love Christmas shopping! I’ve done a bit so far, but I feel like I’m way behind this year. I’m pretty much only done my niece and that’s only because I’m constantly buying her things whenever I see cute baby and toddler stuff.

I’ve barely started my family either. I have some small stuff for Kelly, but nothing for Rachel, Andrew, or Chris yet. I’ve got some stuff for my Mom, but nothing for Dad (which is typical because he’s SO hard to buy for!).

We’ve finished for Tyler’s brother and I’ve got a few things for my sister-in-law and mother-in-law now.

I still feel so under prepared this year though! I know I’ve got lots of time since Christmas is still over a month away, but the mall was SO busy today that I’m starting to get worried!

I still need to get a lot of stuff for Tyler too. I’ve got a few small things, but I have big ideas for gifts this year, but none of them are panning out the way I want them too. I had one great idea, but found out today that it probably won’t work. Sigh…

It’s my Mom’s birthday in a few weeks and I think I’ve got her a great gift though! I feel very prepared for her birthday, so I’m pretty happy with that. Tyler’s Dad’s birthday is right before Christmas too, so we need to figure something out on that front too.

I think a big part of my problem is that I don’t know what to get people. I always ask people for ideas, especially for my brother-in-laws, but no one can ever tell me anything. Let me know if you have any ideas – One is farmer/firefighter dad and the other is into sports and video games, but he doesn’t have any new systems, so it’s hard to get a game for him!

Hopefully I can hit up a mall soon and get a whole bunch of stuff at once. I think Tyler might actually let me put up our tree next weekend (fingers crossed!), so then I’ll be able to wrap presents and put them under the tree!

How is your Christmas shopping coming? Do you start early or late?

Christmas Craft Shows…

Tyler took me to FOUR Christmas crafts shows over the past two days (Can you say Best Husband Ever??). Most of them were just small ones in church basements, but one of them was fairly large. We go to the Lucan Craft Show every year in November. It’s pretty big and I always love going. My entire family usually goes (which meant NINE of us went yesterday – I shudder to think how many vehicles we’ll have to take once we all have kids!) and we get little Christmas things and the BEST shortbread cookies around. The guy who makes them works with my Dad, so we always get a good deal. Those cookies are really the main reason that my Mom and sisters go.

I got a few little Christmas things, but I definitely got less than I usually do. It seemed like there was nothing new at the Lucan one this year and there wasn’t much at the three we went to today, but it’s nice to just go and look around and (usually) support a good cause (most donate some money to a charity or something like that).

I got a few cute little things this year to decorate our house. Do you put things like this out at your house? Have you ever been to a Christmas Craft Show?

Snowman - $1

Santa - $1

Earrings - $10 - Not Christmas-y, but pretty nonetheless

Snowman ornament - $4 - I got the same one two years ago, but it broke in Guelph, so I finally got a new one! 🙂